The main objective of this project is the pioneering study of an unpublished commentaries on the "Sentences" of Peter Lombard containing one of the most successful philosophical and theological texts composed by the Cistercian Jacobus de Altavilla around 1369. We will also focus on his explicite and implicites sources. All the texts under consideration share three characteristics: their philosophical subject, their theological character, and a wide manuscript dissemination. As these texts have seldom attracted the attention of scholars, further work is needed in this area (1) to shed new light on the relationship between theological themes  (in the Cistercian order) and the philosophical teaching in the medieval Universities; (2) to underline more clearly the substantial part of these texts in the very important European tradition of commentaries on the Sentences; and (3) to draw attention to some authors who are crucial for the further understanding of fourteenth century scholastic thought, but who have been ignored only because their texts are still in manuscripts.

The project will focus on the critical edition of the Sentences Commentary of Jacobus de Altavilla. A first step is to  inspect as many manuscripts as possible related to the Cistercian tradition, most of them preserved in German libraries. By means of these texts and manuscripts I will establish when and where they were produced and whether they where copied and knew in other European intellectual centers; therefore I will establish, for the first time, a network of knowledge transfer between universities across Europe at the end of the Middle Ages. According to this perspective the commentary of Jacobus of Altavilla is an excelent case study. 

This project will bring together authors and themes that are connected, but which have never been studied together. Firstly, it will establish the critical edition of this commentary an overview of the reception of this Cistercian  in the Universities of fourteenth-century; secondly, it will paint a truer picture of the real impact of philosophical texts on the theological commentaries which were central to late medieval civilization, but which have been passed over by the scholars; finally, it will draw attention to some important doctrinal works and it will help to modify our knowledge of the late Middle Ages.

Jacobus de Altavilla news

Ms. Paris, BnF, lat. 15896
Source BnF-

24-28 November participation of the TEAM to the Second Annual THESIS Meeting for reading Medieval Manuscripts held in Paris by CNRS-IRHT

Andrei Marinca, Jacobus von Eltville, in: Biographia Cisterciensis (Cistercian Biography), Version vom 21.10.2014, URL:

Daniel Coman, "L'identification de nouveaux manuscrits universitaires cisterciens et le projet d'édition du commentaire des Sentences du cistercien Jacobus d'Eltville", dans Gazette du livre médiéval 20 (2013), p. 113.

Luciana Cioca, Presentation of the project during the COST/IRHT Trainning School. Transmission of texts. New tools, new approches. 31 March-4 April 2014, Paris. :

Monica Brinzei, Enquête sur la tradition manuscrite du commentaire des Sentences du cistercien Jacques d’Eltville, in Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 56 (2014), ca. 20 p.

24-26 March: Workshop on the Sentences commentaries at Cluj-Napoca: Invited guest Claire Angotti (University of Reims) and Christopher Schabel (University of Chyprus):

Conferinte ale echipei pe tema proiectului in 2015

24 Septembrie 2015, Cluj-Napoca, chair of panel, Colloque FIDEM : « Atelier sur le commentaire des Sentences de Jacques d’Eltville ».


Andrei Marinca, 

„Latitude  of  forms  in  James  of  Eltville’s  Commentary  on  Peter  Lombard’s Sentences”, susținută în cadrul colocviului internațional FIDEM Annual Meeting „Varieties of readings of medieval sources”, Cluj-Napoca.


Luciana Cioca,


1.     Titlul prezentării: “Cunoașterea lui Dumnezeu în lucrurile exterioare la Jacobus de Altavilla” la Congresul anual al secției române a Societății Internaționale „Toma din Aquino”, București 8-9 mai 2015.

2.     Titlul prezentării: The use of sources in Jacobus de Altavilla’s question 6 la FIDEM Annual Meeting, Cluj Napoca 23-26 septembrie 2015.


Ioana Curut

24  septembrie  2015: „Divine  knowledge  in  James  of  Eltville’s  Commentary  on  the  Sentences”, susținută în cadrul colocviului internațional FIDEM Annual Meeting - Varieties of readings of medieval sources, (Cluj-Napoca).

9 mai 2015: „Cunoașterea intuitivă a singularului în comentariul sentențiar a lui Jacobus de Altavilla”, susținută în cadrul Colocviului Contemplație și intuiție , organizat de Facultatea de Teologie Romano-Catolică,  Universitatea  din  București,  în  colaborare  cu  secția  română  a  Societății  Internaționale “Toma de Aquino”

Madalina Pantea


1.     6 iulie 2015 Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbuttel, Germania: „The Reception of Saint Augustine in the Commentary on the Sentences from the second half of the 14th century” în cadrul Stipendiatenkolloquim,

2.     24 septembrie 2015, Cluj-Napoca, colcviu international FIDEM: „The tehnique of plagiarism in James of Eltville’s Commentary on the Sentences” în cadrul FIDEM Annual Meeting, Varieties of Readings of Medieval Sources, Cluj-Napoca, România, 23-26 Septembrie 2015