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2013 (click here to see the Romanian Report for 2013)

In the first step of the project the main results was: 

1. implementation of the team

2. division of the tasks inside the team and share the work for the next step

3. participation to a international summer school on Medieval Paleography

Summary report for 2013: 

CNCS Project Research Grant PN-II-ID6PCE-2012-4-0272

Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 

Project name: Philosophy and Theology in Cistercian Commentaries on the Sentences. The Impact of the Cistercian Community on the University in Paris during the XIVth Century.

Project coordinator: Monica Brînzei

The first 2 weeks of September 2013 were dedicated mainly to the outset of the project, documentation, scientific implementation. I formed a dedicated team, including talented young researchers (BA, MA, PhD and Post-PhD students) that will have the chance to develop on multiple levels.

The next step was to divide the responsibilities. We decided to edit the Sentences Commentary of Jacob of Eltville, the most representative member of the Cistercian order after 1350. The text is paramount to the understanding of late scholasticism and to the underlining of the Cistercians’ impact on the medieval universities towards the end of the Middle Ages.

An important event for the team was the summer school (First Annual THESIS Summer School for Reading Medieval Manuscripts- THESIS ERC) held in Colibiţa (Bistriţa) where the members met researchers from France and America. We had the following workshops: text editions, describing medieval manuscripts, codicology, paleography, source identification. As a result of this collaboration, two of the members were invited to Paris to do a week long research in the interest of the team. Alexandra Anisie and Alexandra Baneu were invited during Oct.28- Nov.3 by Dr. Dominique Poirel to work at IRHT. They photographed and copied a good amount of the necessary bibliography, which allowed us to advance even further in our work. The weekly meetings in Cluj Napoca hosted by Conf. Dr. Alexander Baumgarten at the Department of Pre-modern and Romanian Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University, are also very useful, especially for determining certain aspects of text edition and paleography. The team also brought ideas on how to create the site dedicated to this project.

Also, we had a constant and fruitful dialogue with Ms. Amelia Soos, in charge of the administrative part of the project.

2014 (click here to see the Romanian Report for 2014)

During the whole academic year the team worked together and individual

1. We start the investigation for finding new manuscripts for the commentary we tente to edit

2. The major result was to find 15 new manuscripts of our text and to make visible this finding

3. The whole team transcribe one manuscripts and collate the text with the other witness: we obtain a 400 pages latin text and 50000 notes for the apparatus

4. Members of the team defend BA, MA and submit PhD proposal on the topic of the project

5. We have publication on French, English and German

Summary report for 2014


CNCS Project Research Grant PN-II-ID6PCE-2012-4-0272

Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 

Project name: Philosophy and Theology in Cistercian Commentaries on the Sentences. The Impact of the Cistercian Community on the University in Paris during the XIVth Century.

Project coordinator: Monica Brînzei

The first objective of the project for the beginning of 2014 was the identification of manuscripts containing the Sentences Commentary of the Cistercian Jacobus de Altavilla. Our starting point was the article on Jacob of Eltville in F. Stegmüller’s Repertorium commentariorum in Sententias Petri Lombardi, where 8 manuscripts are linked to his name. However, we found 25 manuscripts. This result has a direct impact on the perception regarding the role of the Cistercians in the medieval academic environment because it underlines the circulation of the text throughout Europe. This finding was materialized in the article « Enquête sur la tradition manuscrite du commentaire des Sentences du cistercien Jacques d’Eltville » published in Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale. One of the article’s premises was to prove the erroneous attribution of some of the manuscripts to Langenstein, due to some incorrect codicological interpretations of the Ms. Erfurt Universitätbibliothek CA 2° 118.

Due to budget cuts (50% of the budget made unavailable for us), we had to adapt the objectives and limit our investigation on Altavilla only. Achieving all the other manuscripts meant getting in touch with other foreign colleagues and libraries. The total sum that would have allowed us to buy the manuscripts was cca. 7000 Eu, but since we couldn’t afford that anymore, we had to see alternate sources. We now have an open dialogue with some international institutions and libraries: Erfurt, Wertheim, Leipzig, Wölfenbuttel, St. Omer, Besançon, Paris, Brugges, Bäsel, Cambrai, Milano, Viena, Münich, Laon, Linz, Klonsterneuburg, Lincoln.

In the first trimester of 2014, the team organized a Three day Workshop, March 23-28, where conf. Claire Angotti from Reims University and prof. Chris Schabel from Cyprus Unviersity were invited (http://hiphi.ubbcluj.ro/fam/conferintele-centrului-fam-1).  The workshop meant the presentation of results and subjects of research. The team had a fruitful dialogue with these specialists, leading to advancement in project management.

The outcome was 400 pages with rough text ready to be put through the collation phase. For q. 1 in the Prologue, I finished collating the text (20 mss.). The result was a number of 2800 differences between the manuscripts. After the analysis, I concluded: there is a German branch of manuscripts (MZEW) and a French branch (BPV). No manuscript could be the model for the others.

Other achievements include: Ioana Curut’s thesis “Direct and intentional knowledge of the singular at Pierre de Jean Olivi and the matter of mental representation at Jacobus de Altavilla”, Andrei Marinca’s article “Jacobus von Altavilla”, published online in the Cistercian Biography (http://zisterzienserlexikon.de/Jacobus_von_Eltville), Luciana Cioca’s participation at COST/IRHT Trainning School. Transmissions of texts. New tools, new approches. March31- April 4 2014, Alexandra Baneu’s trip to Prague to investigate catalogues for new manuscripts, Madalina Pantea’s participation at an international conference in Oxford (2015).

Between November 24 and 30 2014, all members participated at the Second Annual THESIS meeting for reading medieval Manuscripts, held in Paris at IRHT. The team met some of the most well-known specialists in the field: William Courtenay (Madison University), Steve Livesey (Oklahoma University), Ueli Zahnd (Basel University), Marco Toste (Universitat de Porto), Pascale Bermon (CNRS-Paris). Alexandra Anisie, Daniel Coman, Mădălina Pantea, Monica Brînzei held conferences related to our project.

Overall, during this year, the team learned to gradually work in a more efficient and coherent way, to advance and develop on both the professional and personal level.

2015 (click here to see the Romanian Report for 2015)

During the year 2015, the project has advanced greatly through papers, conferences, training schools, stages and the progress made with the text based on the preliminary results. All members of the projects had various opportunities to enhance the quality of their work through the access to scientific meetings and the communication with different researchers. One of the instances of this communication was the discovery made by Monica Brînzei of a new Altavilla manuscript in Toulouse, firstly suggested as a possible commentary of Conrad of Ebrach by Thomas Falmagne.

Another propitious occasion for the team was the event held at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca where Professor Zenon Kaluza was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa Title. The communication with Prof. Kaluza, and also with the rector of the University of Basel, Prof. Maarten Hoenen, allowed the team to exchange ideas and also receive new suggestions as to the direction, resources and other details of their work.

In September 2015, the Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy hosted an international event that furthered both the integration of the team’s work in the scientific platform and also the acknowledgement of their advanced work. The FIDEM Annual Meeting gathered together researchers from 11 countries that spent 3 days of conferences and debates on the varieties of readings of medieval sources. The project had a special panel in this meeting, thus gaining more visibility. International researchers participated in this panel and were impressed with the quality of the team’s work and their contributions in the subject. All members’ papers presented during this meeting will be published in an individual volume dedicated to Jacobus de Altavilla, published in the ‘Studia Sententiarum’ collection that was launched this year by Monica Brînzei at Brepols.

Logistically, the project benefited from a generous donation of 1000 volumes made by the director of IRHT, Francois Bougard, in March 2015. In November 2015, another 450 volumes were donated by ex-director of the library of Ecole Normale Superieure, Pierre Petitmengin.

Other achievements are the two scholarships received by two of the members from the library of Wolffenbuttel. Madalina Pantea and Daniel Coman spent 4 months researching the wrongly attributed manuscript we have there and also giving conferences on their findings. Moreover, Daniel Coman had the excellent opportunity to participate at the international colloquium ‘Reading Anselm. Context and Criticism’, organized by the Boston College in America, during which he had the honor of being nominalized to become a member of the International Association for Anselm Studies.

All these achievements were supplemented by publications, national conferences, stages of initiation in certain aspects of the medieval studies, training schools, colloquiums, annual meetings, scholarships.

2016 (click here to see the Romanian Report for 2016)

In the last 9 months (January- September 2016), all team members focused on finishing the text edition that was assigned to them. A notably difficult moment was establishing the textual sources. All team members were very challenged during this stage because it meant carefully searching for sources that the author used, an endeavor none of them has gone through before.

Also, in this final stage, each of them has finished a doctrinal study on their respective questions. All these will be edited in the collective volume named “James of Eltville. From Paris to Vienna an intellectual journey at the end of XIVth century” that will be published by Brepols in the Studia Sententiarum collection, nr. 3. For this particular volume, international experts joined in with studies on Eltville: William Courtenay from Madison University, Christopher Schabel from Cyprus University, Andrew Cuff from Washington University.

Here the table of contents of the forthcoming volume : 

Monica Brinzei : Introduction


William Courtenay, James of Eltville, O.Cist., his fellow sententiarii in 1369-70, and his influence on contemporaries

Alexandra Anisie,Altavilla on the object of assent and the meaning of theological sentences".

Madalina Pantea, The technique of “plagiarism” in James of Eltville’s Commentary on the Sentences.

Luciana Cioca, The use of sources in Jacob of Eltville's Question 6. 

Andrei Marinca, Latitude of Forms in James of Eltville's Sentences Commentary

Ioana Curut, James of Eltville on Divine Knowledge

Daniel Coman, Two ways of reading Anselm in the late 14th century. James of Eltville and Conrad of Ebrach.

Alexander Baumgarten, La réception de Godescalc de Nepomuk dans le commentaire des Sentences de Jacques d’Eltville.

Monica Brinzei : James at Eltville at the University of Vienna


Christopher Schabel : The Filioque doctrine in the Sentences commentary of James of Eltville

Alexandra Baneu : James of Eltville on Divine Will. The Commentary to Distinctions 45-48 of Book I of the Sentences

Andrew Cuff : "Jacobus Bernardita?  James of Eltville on Free Will, Moral Responsibility, and Action Theory"




Index manuscriptorum

Index authors before 1800

Index authors after 1800

As a natural follow up to this project, in June 2016 the team has finalized the proposition for the RISE project (The Rise of an Intellectual Elite in Central Europe: Making Professors at the University of Vienna, 1389-1450), whose purpose is to access a new corpus of materials that was recently discovered at the University of Basel and which will shed a new light on the foundation of the Faculty of Theology of Wien University that played a significant role in the development of education in East Europe in the XVth century.      

Jacobus de Altavilla news

Ms. Paris, BnF, lat. 15896
Source BnF-

24-28 November participation of the TEAM to the Second Annual THESIS Meeting for reading Medieval Manuscripts held in Paris by CNRS-IRHT

Andrei Marinca, Jacobus von Eltville, in: Biographia Cisterciensis (Cistercian Biography), Version vom 21.10.2014, URL: http://www.zisterzienserlexikon.de/wiki/Jacobus_von_Eltville

Daniel Coman, "L'identification de nouveaux manuscrits universitaires cisterciens et le projet d'édition du commentaire des Sentences du cistercien Jacobus d'Eltville", dans Gazette du livre médiéval 20 (2013), p. 113.

Luciana Cioca, Presentation of the project during the COST/IRHT Trainning School. Transmission of texts. New tools, new approches. 31 March-4 April 2014, Paris. : http://www.biblissima-condorcet.fr/fr/actualites/costirht-stage-formation-transmission-textes-nouveaux-outils-nouvelles-approches

Monica Brinzei, Enquête sur la tradition manuscrite du commentaire des Sentences du cistercien Jacques d’Eltville, in Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 56 (2014), ca. 20 p.

24-26 March: Workshop on the Sentences commentaries at Cluj-Napoca: Invited guest Claire Angotti (University of Reims) and Christopher Schabel (University of Chyprus): http://hiphi.ubbcluj.ro/fam/conferintele-centrului-fam-1

Conferinte ale echipei pe tema proiectului in 2015

24 Septembrie 2015, Cluj-Napoca, chair of panel, Colloque FIDEM : « Atelier sur le commentaire des Sentences de Jacques d’Eltville ».


Andrei Marinca, 

„Latitude  of  forms  in  James  of  Eltville’s  Commentary  on  Peter  Lombard’s Sentences”, susținută în cadrul colocviului internațional FIDEM Annual Meeting „Varieties of readings of medieval sources”, Cluj-Napoca.


Luciana Cioca,


1.     Titlul prezentării: “Cunoașterea lui Dumnezeu în lucrurile exterioare la Jacobus de Altavilla” la Congresul anual al secției române a Societății Internaționale „Toma din Aquino”, București 8-9 mai 2015.

2.     Titlul prezentării: The use of sources in Jacobus de Altavilla’s question 6 la FIDEM Annual Meeting, Cluj Napoca 23-26 septembrie 2015.


Ioana Curut

24  septembrie  2015: „Divine  knowledge  in  James  of  Eltville’s  Commentary  on  the  Sentences”, susținută în cadrul colocviului internațional FIDEM Annual Meeting - Varieties of readings of medieval sources, (Cluj-Napoca).

9 mai 2015: „Cunoașterea intuitivă a singularului în comentariul sentențiar a lui Jacobus de Altavilla”, susținută în cadrul Colocviului Contemplație și intuiție , organizat de Facultatea de Teologie Romano-Catolică,  Universitatea  din  București,  în  colaborare  cu  secția  română  a  Societății  Internaționale “Toma de Aquino”

Madalina Pantea


1.     6 iulie 2015 Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbuttel, Germania: „The Reception of Saint Augustine in the Commentary on the Sentences from the second half of the 14th century” în cadrul Stipendiatenkolloquim,

2.     24 septembrie 2015, Cluj-Napoca, colcviu international FIDEM: „The tehnique of plagiarism in James of Eltville’s Commentary on the Sentences” în cadrul FIDEM Annual Meeting, Varieties of Readings of Medieval Sources, Cluj-Napoca, România, 23-26 Septembrie 2015
